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The direction of the movie is fine. I didn't feel that the movie was stretchy or anything. Even the climax is nicely shot. The biggest problem that lies in this movie is absence of soul in it. There is no chemistry shown between John and Shruti or John and the 8-year old girl for whom he is ready to fight the whole system alone. Even the scenes in which John and the girl is together, the scene is unable to get you excited or moved because they are so plain that they pass just another segment of the movie. The only places where movie surpasses is action-based scenes where John is either killing the villains with his hands or weapons or by martial arts move. John looks perfect during these scenes but in all the other scenes, he keeps the same expression throughout and tries to show his loneliness through his eyes but it looks nothing but pretension by an average actor.
All the other performances are strictly okay. The songs are fine. The violence in the movie is very intense so watch it only if you are able to watch blood and gore just like it's another romantic scene in a Bollywood movie. Haha! There are not many dialogues in the movie because John stays quiet for most of the times. Overall, Rocky Handsome is a good action movie with a weak script. I give it 2 stars out of 5.
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