645th BLOG POST -->>

This post that I'm about to write would have been better if it would have been written on Women's Day, Girl's Day(if there is one) or Friendship Day. But, for me, on my Blog, I celebrate My BLOG DAY every day so I don't think about when to write about a particular topic. I can even write about Independence Day tomorrow. :-) In the similar way, I am going to write something that could have added effects if it would have been published on the three DAYS that I have mentioned above but still I am going for it. It's about the BEST GIRL FRIENDS I had in my life till now. It has been 8335 days that I have marked my presence in the world and met many girls before school, in school, junior college, when I was sitting at home, college, society etc. While talking to one of my friends, I discussed with her about all the best girl friends I had in life. It is normal for every one to have best buddies in the same gender, but it is something to be celebrated if one can understand and let him/herself understood by someone from different gender. I have got privileges some times in life to be BEST FRIENDS with someone from opposite gender. And before beginning, to some losers who are not clear with the terms let me tell you, GIRL FRIEND is a FRIEND while LOVER is someone whom you call GIRLFRIEND. Huh!!!
The first girl friend that I got was in 4th class in the form of Pranjali. We used to have extra classes(after school) for the students those were meant to appear in a State level Scholarship examination. I, Pranjali and Madhav were the only ones in our batch to be selected from our colony. So we always got extra time to talk with each other. In this way, three of us became good buddies. There were many a times when Madhav used to be away. I and Pranjali used to get to talk what we wanted to. There were many a times when both of them used to fight with each other. Madhav being a boy had the courage of moving on with it but Pranjali used to shed her tears and talk to me about how nefarious Madhav turns out to be sometimes. I, being an emotional support to her for several times developed ourselves as kind-of-best-friends. And this friendship remained intact from 4th std to 7th std. We discussed almost every thing that we as a teenage got introduced to. Sometimes, we even had talks about some hormonal changes. Huh!!! That is so weird to think now. But then, it was something both of us wanted to get clear with. :-) I helped her getting her first crush closer to her. :-) And she tried to help me get mine too but instead I got a sweet slap from my girl. Pranjali, you'll always be remembered for at least THIS in my Long LIFE. :-)
After Pranjali left school in 8th std, I didn't get any girl as friend. In 11th std, I shifted to Pune and got screwed. Yes!! I hope you remember my Post on my Hostel Life that I have written last week. After I returned back to home, I had no one to support me. I didn't have anyone's shoulder to keep my head and cry. Suddenly, my cousin sister came as an angel sent by God in life to motivate me. Or let me know that there's someone who cares. She guided me. She always interrupted me whenever I tried to tell her how useless and bad looking I am. She always made it sure that I feel proud of every little thing I am. She never talked about Academics with me as she knew that I'm screwed up in it. She made me realize that I am as normal as every boy around me. She always came up with her pretty face whenever I wanted to commit suicide. But as it is said, society some times take beautiful relationships also as something fishy going on between the two. Our relatives started poking about the kind of love that developed suddenly between two of us. Even when our relation was sacred, pure and lovely, some things came in between that I'm still unaware of; because of which she boycotted me from her life. I still don't know the reason of the boycott when I wanted her the most. She was always with me throughout the time when I failed for the first time till I failed for the last. But the moment when I got my first success, she wasn't with me. Didu(as I used to call her), I want to Thank you for being whatever you WERE but I hate you for whatever you ARE. At least, I deserve to know the reason why was I neglected like that.
Didu remained with me from 2007 to early 2009. After I joined Graduation, I got my first official lover(girlfriend in your language). I am boycotting her name here as I don't want sweet controversy around me now. With the pain and depression of being a failure in academics and relations from last 3 years, I entered the college. Suddenly, this girl approached and asked for my phone number. Then, a relation got its birth and expired just after its 15 days. It's enough for a person like me. I hope you understand. :-) In this very period of time, she gave me a confidence of standing in front of the crowd with my head high so that everyone can see my face and realize how smart I am. Because whenever any one gets into a love affair, he starts thinking himself/herself no less than Salman Khan/Katrina Kaif respectively. :-) And because of the confidence that she gave me, I performed on the special day and went on becoming "Mr.Fresher" of my college for that academic year. While she won "Perfect Personality". Obviously, she was the most beautiful girl in the batch. Till the time she was with me, she made me develop many traits in myself- Confidence, Patience, Humbleness etc. And the day she left me, she taught me how Imperfectness pushes oneself to become the BEST he can to prove himself. I did it. And today I feel that whatever I am is the 90% of the Capability that I can deliver in my life.
In 2010, Megha, another girl came up in my life through Facebook. She lives in the same colony where I passed my childhood with nasty friends and to make it more clear to you, where Pranjali also lived. She turned out to be so sweet that I like talking to her even now. Not frequently, but we do chat through texts some times. She shares almost every doubts and problems with me while I keep on sharing every success with her. In her, I see the sweetness that every boy wants in his ideal girlfriend. She gives me my space even when we like to talk to each other almost every hour, minute and even second. And because she is so understandable, we are still in this beautiful relationship of Friendship even after 2.3 years. Megha is the most sweet girl I have met in my life. I hope she remains to be one throughout her life even when I would not be in her contact.
In 2010, when I entered in 3rd Semester of my 6 Semesters' Graduation, I suddenly became friends with Prema and Vandana. There was a moment in class when our teacher asked us to form a group of 5 for a Presentation, two boys of my town raised their hand with me. The other 2 spots were filled up by Prema and Vandana. Let me talk about Prema first. The first time when I saw Prema I was shocked. I never saw someone so similar to anyone I met in life. And unfortunately, she looks almost like Didu. A Tragedy on the very first day of the college. I never came closer to Prema for the same reason. But later in 3rd Semester we became friends, I used to be little insecure with her considering the fact that she looks like someone who has been the biggest betrayer to me. But the childishness of Prema is something that I preferred. But over that, I preferred her intellectual comments on a topic that would give a perfect conclusion to the conversation. But unfortunately, this came up very rarely. Haha. Sorry Prema. We have fought for the most number of times but still maintained the dignity of our friendship even when we were not in talking terms. In spite of our friend circle, we never let anyone know about our rifts. But even after so many Mahabharatas, if we are still Friends in the end, that resembles the Quality our Friendship have. Even when we meet after a month or more, she makes it sure that she neglects to every disagreement I give, pulls my shirt, pinch me at least 60 times in an hour and commit other such tortures on me. And Prema will remain immortal for this sweet fights we had/have. :-)
Vandana, a girl whom I see as a Perfect figure I want as my Best Girl Friend. Don't take this Figure as the one which boys usually refer to. :-) Okay, she is good in pulchritude too. Haha. Sorry Vandana. :-) The girl whom everyone stays away from arguing/discussing because of her over-aggressive attitude turned out to be a girl who never raised her voice against any thing that I said to her. I consider myself very lucky to be in "Haven't fought with them still" list of Vandana as there is rarely any name that is left with whom Vandana has not set an example of a Perfect Fight minus abuses. :-) Every time I want someone to hear my personal problems, she is available. Every time I want someone to tell me something which can make me smile, she is available. Vandana is the only person with whom I can share those things that still remains to be secret of my life. The trust, understanding, affection, attraction, virtue, respect that we have for each other guarantees and ensures that we are going to be Friends forever, I hope. It's enough for making everyone understand the role of Vandana in my life that I might share the details with her of the night that I'll spend with my wife for the first time. Haha. Sorry!!! I didn't have any other words to describe the kind of friendship I have with Vandana, Vandy for me. :-)
These girls have played a very good part in my life. Everyone has taught me something or the another. Where Pranjali tried her best to promote me as much as she can in school days, Didu made me realize that there's always someone who loves you in any moment of your life. Where my first lover developed so many traits in my personality, Megha made me realize that sweetness still exist in this world of cruelty. Where Prema made me realize that fights never fades the beauty in the relationship, Vandana made me realize that one can be Friends with someone for such a long period without a single fight even when one of them happens to be Phoolan Devi. :-) But one thing that has been common with me in all the BEST FRIENDSHIP that I had with these girls is that none of them are with me now. Pranjali never finds time to ping once, Didu, I think don't remember that someone named "Veeru" ever was a part of her life, Umera is married and now a mother of a son, Megha plays special appearances and Prema also doesn't care to text a "Hii". The only one who is with me is Vandana. She might go far away forgetting me too. But that is how my life has been. I have learnt to bid a Good-bye with smiling lips to all those who become a part of my heart. Every time a BEST FRIEND has forgotten me, I have lost a part of my heart with him/her. But still I smiled.
From 1st August, I am going to attend my new college for Post-Graduation. I might get someone like Prema/Vandana/Megha even there but a strong feeling within me refuses. I don't know why. Or I might get in just a mere FRIENDSHIP with some of the girls as there has been many girls who have played cameos in my life. But, these girls those are mentioned above will always remain to be a part of my heart. Before the college starts, I wanted to share something of this kind. It is written in more elaborated way in my personal diary. But on a public forum, this is enough. I have said it in a Tweet too,"Main ab bhi us khayalat ka insaan hun k ek ladka-ladki kabhi dost nahi ho sakte jabtak unke beech dosti se badhkar ek anokha rishta nahi hota" and this "Anokha Rishta" is something that turns this relationship into BEST FRIENDS!!!
P.S.:And some sick boys would be abusing me for not uploading image of any of the girls mentioned, it is because of the losers like you that the boys like me keep the images of their close girl friends secret and safe. And to all the girls I have mentioned above, if you have been hurt by any of the sentence that is being written for you, do inform me, I'll love to delete the part.
P.S.S.: Many have asked me about why ANAMIKA is not in this Blog Post. This one is meant for those BEST FRIENDS whom I have met. There would be a BLOG POST soon which would be based only on ANAMIKA. Thanks.