1267th BLOG POST -->>

There are sometimes 1 or 2 people around us who are so well-behaved, polite, perfect in their work and extreme professional that we want to get into their good books or we want to become like them or we wish that they consider us something in their life if not a good friend or someone best they have come across in their life. And this makes you become yourself better to be little like them so that they feel the same about you as you feel about them. Sometimes that results in love for two persons but I am not talking about that angle as of now. This is something above that. A kind of admiration for someone because of the qualities they possess.
I would like to give you few examples with out mentioning their names.
There was an uncle working with my father as his manager when I was in school. This uncle had a decent personality and whenever I saw him, his dress was ironed, his hairs used to be properly combed, his shoes would always be polished and he always spoke and greeted sweetly. He always hosted events that used to happen in our colony's club. He used to sing in those functions and also play piano. I was his fan. I always wanted to become like him. Therefore, whenever I saw him, I made sure I greeted him before my friends so that he can notice I am perfect than others and consider me somewhat like him and always remember me whenever he thought of children from our society. :)
Similarly, I have a topper girl in my college currently. She is a friend and whenever I talk with her, the politeness and low volume and decency that I experience in her verbal communication makes me feel ugly about my talking behaviour some times as I end up using slang and accent that are rude and insulting. Similarly, her approach in classroom and laboratory is always professional. She assures that all her works are completed on time and before anyone. She never talks about how good she is but it shows in results. I got an opportunity to be in a Presentation group with her and I made sure that I do not put her down at least as she never fails in anything. And that has also been my best experience in a group presentation till date.
A last example:- Currently, I am doing a Professional course at a reputed Computer institute. My teacher who is teaching me the same is very punctual and hard working. She does even those work that we do not even expect from her. She does this extra efforts only to make sure that her children do not find any problem related to her. She wants each and every children to think out-of-box like her and perform every task with accuracy and perfectness. Her teaching style and the way she handles us with politeness and professionalism makes me do better than how I am so that she considers me the best student she ever taught in all these years. I give my 150% to be remembered by her for my work even after our batch ends.
There are always such people around us whom we start considering celebrities and want to spend more time with them and wished to be remembered by them even after our association for that project or time ends. We desire to be like them some day by changing our personality and being like them which indirectly helps us in improving ourselves and our life style. I do not know if you have such people in your life or around you who are worthy enough to be considered celebrities but I have these few people (whom I have mentioned above and those I haven't) in my life who are making me work more than my capacity to be better than what I have been till date. I am in awe of these people and I am waiting for a device to be created which can let me know if they consider me something positive in their point of view or not. Is someone creating this for me? :-)