4 February 2013 | By: Writing Buddha

"Uff Ye Contest" Day 2!!! Win Free Copies!!!

783rd BLOG POST -->>

           The winner of Day 1 for "Uff Ye Contest" is SHWETA DHULL. She wins an Author-signed copy of "Uff Ye Emotions", a copy of "Thank God, I'm Single Again" by Pankaj Mittal and a Music Album CD by Roouh Band. Congrats. (Please send your full address on Abhilash.Ruhela@gmail.com so that we can send you the prizes)

             The Question For "Uff Ye Contest" Day 2 is:

If God swaps you and your partner (i.e. You become your partner while he/she becomes "You" for a day), how will you treat yourself by being at your partner's place on Valentine's Day? :-) 

Try to be as much creative as you can be...No words limit. Today's Goodies are: Author-signed copy of "Uff Ye Emotions", a copy of "Love The Ecstasy" by Rachna Sheth and a Music Album CD by Roouh Band.



12 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:

Parul Parihar said...

Well this would be like a dream come true.. I always complaint my partner for being so casual and groggy about our relationship. If we swap our roles for valentines i would make him feel the way a man should treat a woman. Any girl would love the attention from his man. So giving him lot of attention and pampering him with lots of goodies and surprises. Would take him to my place (in real his place) and would my love for him in front of his parents while playing his counterpart for the day. That would the best Valentines for Me.. And undoubtably for any girl. Confession of love in front of parents by a boy for is beloved is always a treat for her:)

Unknown said...

that would be really great..
if i became my partner and that too on valentine's day, i wouldn't like to treat myself with anything expensive because that is what my partner does all the Time. what i would really want is he should spend the whole week with me and also i would like to make a handmade bracelet made by me to him(i.e. me). i will give him(i.e. me) a two piece heart necklace and i will keep one part with me always.then i will make a casette witha message and her fav songs and will give it to him (i.e. me). and ya.. that is it.... :)

Neoni Dsouza said...

I would be so happy if such thing happens some day. I always wanted him to know what i would do for him if i was him. . To start of with the day i would plan it since the beginning of the day . I would climb it to her house or i ll just visit her house before she (him)knows it . Want her to see me as first person when she opens her eyes . . Give her hug and kiss . . Gift her dress for the day and ask to get ready till then ll go and prepare for her breakfast for her . . Then ll travel with her in bus or train to reach to next stop i.e beach . . While traveling would hold her hand and make her feel cared and tell her i am always there no matter what. . Would reach beach and walk with her and do masti with her . . Would give her different color roses symbolizing her nature and how she is . . Would give her homemade book containing all memories and photos we spend together . . Would take her to all the places where we had beautiful moments and refresh all the memories by asking her to enact the way it happen . .
The smile the happiness on her face is so beautiful . . Then at last would take her for dinner starting with slow dance the way she always wanted it to be . . Having lots of icecream . She loves to eat it alot . . Then would drop her to home . . Make her to sleep so that i can capture the innocence of her and store it in my heart forever . .
Would tell her what i feel for her how much i love her

Anonymous said...

Wow...well I have always believed that you s'd always love a person for what he/she is...there are certain things that I expects my better half to do for me, even though I will keep loving her the way I do know. So if I become my partner, I would wake her (i.e. Me) and wish her happy Valentine by giving a soft peck on her (i.e. My lips). She (i.e. Me) is very close to nature. So, I will prepare her (my) fav. breakfast and ask her to get ready. Now instead of celebrating this very special day in a hotel or mall, I will drive her to a place away from the noise of city...on our way I will play her (my) fav. Songs but as soon as we start approaching our destination, I will turn off the radio and give her a surprise kiss. Then I'll stop the car and ask her to close her eyes. Then I'll take her to the place of her dreams i.e. near sea-shore by holding her (my) hands. There we will listen to the sound of birds, see the sun-set and play together in the water. Then I will confess my love for her (me) and what does she meant to me. Then we will sit on the sea-shore and spend whole night laughing, crying, fighting, dancing and loving each oder...I will make that day as the most memorable day of our relation...a day when we lived each oder..,

Abhinand Jaguva said...

Note: I referred to girl as i was swapped and my girl is referred in male gender.

Well if i were swapped i will control my feelings, sit back and watch what He(my girl) does.I would like to see what i receive first. then i will take out a pen and write both of our names on his hand.I will kneel and give him heart shaped ring and a hand kerchief which was embroidered by me with our names and a peppy message, for instance 'Romeo Loves Juliet, forever'.

Asit said...

In simple and few words...
If there is understanding and trust exchange of place dosent matter...because exchanging place and trying to be him or her will be unique..:)

Unknown said...

Well for me Valentine day starts with the end of 13th feb, I would call my gf (after change) at sharp 12 o clock and will wish her. Since she will be at home so she will respond with a low voice where sound doesnt comes out but with the help of breathe communication could be done. We will talk for some minutes and after that will wait for the morning.
When theclock will cry its 8'O clock then i will start my bike (after change) and stop it in a visible distance from her house where i could see her face, i will again call her and forced her to come on the balconi and give me a flying kiss. I will request her to be ready within an hour. I will pick her ,not from her house but from a distance ofcourse,
i would like to gift her something hand made like I will try to make some edible dish for her to make her smile, and my gift will not be expensive but 'Special' because expensiveness has no limits and special thing are always valuable. My SPECIAL gift will contain a simple 'chain with locket' which will become precious when i will encircle it on her neck.
I will take her for shopping, and then a romantic movie and after all these i wil give her another gift ' a hand made card '. I will make her feel as she is the princess . We will enjoy the whole day and i will give my cent percent for making it special. At leaving time i wil again gift her a photoframe with our photo in it and a red rose with a white which sybolise love and peace. . A goodbye hug and kiss on forehead and i will again drop her, not at her home but at a distance...

Sweta S said...

I do have few expectations from him and the same would be from him for sure. But I would not take this swap as an opportunity to show him how I want him to treat me because he does what he feels right and what his heart says. When things are done from heart they are very beautiful. I would just give him lots of love as he or I myself do. Valentine would not be a special day for us because we love each other and every day is a valentine for us. Just the difference would be we swap roles. The different thing that I would do for him is yes wear a leather jacket and get a Royal Enfield and surprise her(my partner) early in the morning and take her for a long drive. That’s actually his wish so if im him then obviously I would know how to ride a royal Enfield. :P

So, this would make her(my partner) feel very special which indirectly would please me. Also, the other thing that I would for sure do is propose her “will you marry me ;)” we got engaged in December and i'm still waiting for him to propose me which is not happening so maybe I would do it then. This would not be different but yes, we would do our part as our final goal is to see the other happy.

Unknown said...

Well for me valentine day starts with the end of 13th feb. I would call my girlfriend (after change) at sharp 12'o clock and will wish her , since she will be at home so she will respond in a adorable and lovable voice where sound doesnt comes out but with the help of breathe communication could be done. We will talk for fsome minute and after putting the phone will wait for the morning.
When the clock will cry its 8'o clock then i will start my bike and stop it in a visible distance from her house so i could see her face, I will again call her and forced her to come on the balconi and gave me a flying kiss (sumtimes mawaligiri creates more romace in life). I will requet her to be ready within an hour. I will pick her,not from her house but from a distance ofcourse.
I would like to gift her something handmade like i will try to make some edible dish for her to make her smile and my GIFT will not be expensive but SPECIAL because expensiveness has no limits and special things are always valuable. My special gift will contain a Simple chain with locket which will become precious when i will encircle it on her neck. I will take her for shopping and then for a romantic movie and after all these i will give her another gift 'a hand made card'. I will make her feel as she is the princess. I will give my cent percent for making it special, we will enjoy the whole day and at leaving time I will again gift her 'a photoframe with our photo'in it along with a red n white rose which symbolise my love and white to maintain peace for rest of the life. A goodbye hug and kiss on forehead and i will again drop her,not at her home but at a distance...

Shweta banerjee said...

Well, for me valentine day starts with the end of 13th feb. I will call my girlfriend (after change) at sharp 12 o clock and will wish her. Since she will be at home so i will enjoy her adorable and lovable low voice where sound doesnt comes out but with the help of breathe communication could be done. We will talk for some minute and after putting the phone will wait for the morning.
When the clock will cry its 8 o clock, then i will start my bike and stop it in a visible distance from her house so i could see her face . I will again call her and forced her to come on the balconi and give me a flying kiss (sometime mawaligiri helps to create more romance). I will request her to be ready within an hour . I will pick her not from her house but from a distance ofcourse.
I would like to gift her something handmade like i will try to make some edible dish for her to make her smile, and my Gift will not be expensive but Special because expensiveness has no limits and special things are always valuable. My SPECIAL gift will contain a simple chain with a locket which will become precious when i will encircle it on her neck. I will take her for shopping and then for a romantic movie and after all these ,will give her another gift 'a handmade card'. I will make her feel as she is the princess. I will give my cent percent for making it special. We will enjoy the whole day. At leaving time I will again gift her a Photoframe with our photo in it along with a red and white rose where red symbolise love and white for maintaining peace in future and be always with me. A goodbye hug and kiss on forehead and i will again drop her, not at her home but at a distance...:)

Shweta banerjee said...

Why my coment is not visible :(, kitni bari type kia maine

Unknown said...

i would choose the guy who is poor bcoz he already loves me.
because yes the other person is much more richer than him(poor guy ).he may be more attractive,more intelligent caring,more fortunate.but i wont be decieved by these things . they r temptations. because even i m not the most perfect person.there r people who r greater than me. but yet he (Poor guy)chose me and i love him for that.and that is what love is - not finding the perfect person, but the person with whom u r perfect with. :)

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