27 October 2013 | By: Writing Buddha

Diwali Safai & Nostalgia!!!

964th BLOG POST -->>

This post does not have any specification as such because it's just that I wanted to talk about something in which I'm currently drowned in- Diwali cleaning. "Diwali safai" is one word that excites me. Now, my home is almost set and therefore it remains the way it is otherwise the time I used to live in colony, I and my mother would plan just before Diwali as to how can we set our house in a new way that can keep us afresh for a long period of time. I would suggest the location of the cupboard, my study table, her sewing machine, television, DVD etc. And then after mutual decision, we would take a final agreement and start shifting the things from here and there. The power was such that even when I was in school and my mother a young lady, we would shift the whole cupboard full of clothes, bed full of suitcases ourselves. We never took support of my father because he wasn't much interested in household chores. This power was because we wanted the excitement in house.

            On the day of Diwali when we used to decorate our houses with diyas, new bed sheets, sofa covers and table covers, it used to shine. I and my mother used to see each other and smile every now and then like small kids as if a new toy has come into the house. Well, Diwali shopping has never been lucky to be part of my family. Hahaha. Because always a month ago, my birthday was celebrated and all the shopping of Diwali used to be done in the September end or October first week itself. We never got an opportunity to do anything specifically during the time of Diwali when others use to go to shops, markets, cities to purchase new cloths and showpieces for their homes. Well, we were also happy about this because where we lived was an outskirt region somewhere in the backdrop of Mumbai. Hence, a very limited stock of unique things used to be available there. As we used to market in September/October, we used to get all the things that we wanted without any rush or crowd. That was another favorable moment for us during Diwalis.

             One thing that still makes me excited for safai is the archaeological digging into those areas of house that we touch only once in a year. I always get something from these areas that does not stop me from remembering my childhood and those childhood days when I used to create things and toys on my own and keep them safely with the purpose of showing it to my kids as to what their father used to do in his childhood. Haha! That is how silly we are in childhood times. The albums or those photographs that we never try to find gets into our hands while filtering a box or two and we get so rolled up that it takes half an hour in listening to the whole story behind the photograph and the contemporary situation of our family by our parents. I always get excited to see my childhood pictures as they speak a lot about me. Almost everything. I still find myself to be the same. The same boy thinking deeply whenever he sees something new. The same boy who is still that silent and lonely but keeps a smile ahead whenever he is in public. Somewhere I feel that I am the same that I was when I was newly born or just entered the school. Well, let's stop this sorrowful talks here itself. Kabhi aur! :-) 

               Even now, as I am engaged in Diwali cleansing, I love to see my study table and its drawer away from any kind of useless thing or material that's not of much use. There are also some deary things of childhood that we have to throw because mothers scold that they are just eating space in the house and are not going to be in use ever. That still makes our heart cries. :-) I recently cleaned all my novels and checked them one by one. As the major part of my life since my childhood has been only about books, I get nostalgic whenever I open the box that has all my favorite books in it. The shelf that carries books that I have recently reviewed on my blog from last 3 years. The Chandamama, Wisdom, Champak, Reader's Digest- I had subscription of all in childhood and seeing them now brings so much cheer in life. I was always thrown away from the group of children because I was quiet boring in childhood, may be I am still. :-) I used to come back to home and these books used to be my friends that accepted me without judging who actually is reading them. Life!

              Then seeing the Robin Sharma's whole set of books bring that time of life as flashback in front of eyes that tells how depressed and really lonely I was when someone suggested me a book of his and the motivation that it gave me made me purchase all his books, read them and understand what exactly can be done with life. It was then that I became serious about anything but my future. The whole lot changed for me. Diwali Safai, hence shall always remain to be an integral and kind of personal thing for me. It brings so much out that is been covered with so much of packages never to be seen again for next 365 days. The Rakhis from my sisters are kept with utmost care still in order to remember the beautiful times I had with them. Though I am away from all those Moh-maaya but it gets revoked during this time of Diwali. May be festival asks me to get back to all of them, the people whom I have left behind or they have left me, but then some thing- a conscious within stops and says- Burdening yourself with past will never allow you to speed up on the road that takes you to a light future that's ideal for everyone. :-) 



1 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:

Unknown said...

nice information happy diwali 2014 to all

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