1339th BLOG POST -->>

It all starts from self-realization, getting a lesson from it and then developing your ideas and approach and routine in a manner that you find a solution for your never ending problems and worries. We always want that phase from life when we can say that we are living a kind of life when we can caption it as "And I lived in the same manner happily ever after". I wanted this kind of life when I was doubtful about myself when I was celebrating my 25th birthday and even when I wanted to feel special, I was only feeling ridiculed about my improper existence. But the kind of effort I have put in since then in clearing my Semester 5th and 6th with my best percentage ever in MCA, understanding the Professional course that I enrolled in and finally searching the job and getting one, I can finally say that I'm in the phase when I can claim that I wish my life stays the same forever if nothing better happens. :-)
I have completed 2 months doing job in the same field for which I did the course. I am on probation period and I do not know if I'll get confirmed or not but I am honestly happy with my performance as I secured my first job with my skills, confidence and IQ rather than getting into the industry by someone's reference or through placement assistance given by my institute. I do not know about my career growth but the kind of package I am getting currently is what I asked and demanded in the interview. I am learning so many things that I finally realize what really Information Technology industry is all about after studying the same for last 6 years. This birthday is also special because it's the first time that I'm celebrating after getting the job. Even my father said that he felt happy when he celebrated my first birthday and after that, this is the birthday when he is really feeling happy about me and my existence. I finally feel that I have made my father happy. And being the only child of him, it's a big thing for me to do this. :-)
Now the life is finally stable and it seems as if a cool breeze is passing through me every minute. A silence and peace have engulfed all around. I do not want this moment to pass. Though I feel nervous about job but I do not hate Mondays even when I'm scared of what new might be thrown at me. Basically, I am loving this new real challenge of life and I wish I keep learning and growing daily to achieve what I want- a Managerial position in life with pretty good life where I can drive car with my family and enjoy all the great places of my country. As I also mentioned in my last birthday post of how I was also wishing to get into regular MBA to avoid this difficult phase of searching an appropriate job, I have finally ended up enrolling for a part-time MBA. I hope by next birthday, I can proudly write on this very space that I cleared my first year with fine marks. :-) Thanks a lot everyone who wished me yet again. Who is so lucky to get almost 2000 wishes in total through the people he doesn't know? :-) Thanks for making this birthday special for me. Love you all.
P.S.: 25th Birthday's blog post which I have mentioned through out this post :-)
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