1360th BLOG POST -->>

Initially, the series looks interesting as you hope of something great to be showcased later on because of the kind of plot chosen but unfortunately, I would have to say that there's nothing new in the concept. It's exactly based on what we keep talking, reading and listening on daily basis. You can yourself predict about what's coming in the next scene itself. I believe that even if the makers lifted the ideas on what is being talked by general public every day, there was many more elements which could have been easily inserted in the series resulting it to be more dimensional than it is.
And the series does not give any serious thought. They are just proving that men shouldn't consider women weaker and inferior as their job is equally challenging but it's done so tastelessly that you just wish this is the last season of the series. It's nice to see many Bollywood and known personality contributing in the series with their small roles and encouraging a small gesture by the makers so aggressively. But unfortunately, the message doesn't come across as effectively as it should have. Few scenes are truly comedy but overall, it's a series that can be easily skipped.
0 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
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