1273rd BLOG POST -->>

What's surprising is that none of them wants to try anything themselves. They will ask 5 persons 5 times before clicking on any link. I do not know what do they do when the trainers explain us things elaborately. Even if you haven't concentrated, what's the problem in clicking that link? Will it blast the computer and shatter it into pieces? What's the fear?
We have several competency tests that we have to give after completion of every chapter. A software has to be accessed to give the exam through which we login with our details and 10-20 questions are displayed with 4 options out of which we have to select one and SUBMIT the test once completed. The marks of these tests are not considered in the Grade that we get on our certificates at the end of the course. It is scheduled just because the institute wants us to know how good we are in that particular chapter and if our marks are less, we can start concentrating more on those topics. Even for such tests, these students do not have guts to click on an option they feel is right. They don't even read the question and ask the person they feel knows most answers to help them. They don't think even once about that person who has to read and submit his own test within the given time frame. They want him to help them first and then continue with their own task if time permits.
I do not understand how can someone be so irresponsible and coward when you have joined a Professional Course after passing out or in your last year just because you couldn't do well when others surpassed you in your college. You know this is your last chance and if you do not develop the stipulated skills, you won't get a job any soon. But even after being in such a situation of extreme stress, these people prefer to travel sitting on someone's shoulders but not walking up themselves and falling and understanding what kind of hurdles comes in our way and how to overcome them.
I feel very pity about these people. I am not saying that I would be the first among them to get a job but at least try to learn. Have the courage to fall. What is the same if you get 0% in the Competency test? It will only motivate you to read more, learn more, prepare more and excel next time whenever any question related to that chapter is asked again. But taking help from everyone and getting 60-70% is worthless. Though people in class might think that you are scholar but at least talk with yourself and ask if you really deserved those marks.
Similarly, you would also have experienced your group members' attitude whenever a Presentation got assigned in college. Everyone wants to have the smallest part and the easiest one. No one wants to take the lead, do mistakes, be blamed and get the tips to what to do next time in the presentation to avoid such silly mistakes. This keeps them at the same mediocre/poor level throughout their college and even after that. And then they say, the reasons for not clearing interviews and group discussions are the stage-fear, communication skills, fluency in speaking and under-confidence. Who would waste their time in listening to your problems that you created yourself later on? I will never do that. I will be rude to you and tell you about how your attitude during college times used to be.
Don't you think I must be getting rude messages of Grammar freaks on every blog post? I do. But I still write. I commit mistakes. I get their solutions by few kind ones. And I makes sure that I don't commit the same error next time in my writings. You will have to be ready to fall. Don't be ashamed that your peers would laugh. Understand that all are in the learning phase. If you did mistake today, they might do it tomorrow. Everyone does and everyone falls. Please start falling. At least it will help you know where are the potholes in the road of your life which you can fill soon so that you do not fall again at the same place. Stop depending on others and start performing your tasks yourself. At least those are related to your career. PLEASE! I AM REQUESTING YOU!
0 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
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