27 July 2021 | By: Writing Buddha

Web-series Review: Hostel Daze Season 1 & 2: Full of Nostalgia & Friendship! ****

1951st BLOG POST

Somehow, I had not watched Hostel Daze until now even when it has been almost 2 years since its release but the recent streaming notifications for Hostel Daze Season 2 made me watch both the seasons together last evening with my friend. And I must say this is a show which is double fun when watched with a friend who’s your age as you keep on sharing your experiences along with the show. Hostel Daze is basically about how boys lead their life in hostel after getting admission into Engineering college. How all kind of perfect, imperfect, careless, ambitious, romantic, studious boys come together to stay in the same building for next 4 years is what makes this show funny and a treat to watch.


Anyone who has ever stayed in hostel is going to enjoy this a lot due to ample amount of nostalgia embedded into it. Even if you haven’t been part of the hostel but of a college which had all kinds of weird personalities in your batch, this show is going to make you call all your friends and talk to them once. Though the show is made as a comedy piece, but you will keep on relating it with yourself and your group of friends. There is plethora of abuses in almost every minute of the show, but this is purposely created for a section of audience hence anyone else watching it might get irritated with it, but the young crowd is going to like it for sure. The students who are studying from home are really going to miss their college life as the show displays everything that happens among friend – abuses, ragging, friendship, politics, revelation of secrets, affairs etc.


The 1st season is about the 1st year of Engineering where everyone is worried about their popularity as they want to create their own identity and get respect from the seniors. Then there is another character who is dying for a girl’s attention. There’s another who has built an image where everyone has to agree to him otherwise, he can wreak havoc in your life.  You also see how everyone gets to someone for cigarette, another for information on girls and another for collection of porn. All this is something that happens in Hostel and is very much true even if it might look impossible for someone who has never seen this side of life.


The first season is all fun whereas the second one takes you on little Bollywood-ish side where you can see two guys trying for the same girl. The only TVF thing about this angle is that both are undeserving and incapable of getting the girl. Haha! Season 2 is of about 4 episodes only of 30-odd minutes each which is like a movie only. You can call it a mini-series. The last episode is something that surprises everyone as you find it very emotional and relatable. Every time when we are with friends, we feel as if time at home is going to be wonderful but just after a week, you start remembering the good time spent with friends and you start preferring them more than your family members. This fact is so unwilling, yet everyone goes through this, and it has been shown so realistically that you can feel it with a drop of tear in your eyes.


I liked the little glimpses of songs added in between of the story which gives you a very serene feeling. The dialogues are powerful where many of them just makes you fall off from your seat laughing. Think twice while drinking water while watching this series as you might throw all out because of unplanned laughter. Haha! Few characters talk directly with us through the camera such as the watchman, warden, Photocopy shop owner, Laundry-boy, Housekeeping staff etc. which is a complete TVF thing. You can feel the power of the monologues spoken by every character. It is something which keeps the series interactive as well which is very unique thing to do.


Overall, I would say that Season 1 is better than Season 2 but collectively, Hostel Daze is a show not to be missed. And yes, if you have been out of touch with your college friends, this is going to be hard for you as you’ll feel lump in your throat with every other scene, and you would want to call them which you’ll not be able to. Overall, I give collective rating to both the season as 4 stars out of 5 where 4.5 stars go to Season 1 whereas 3.5 stars go to Season 2.





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