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Mind is your Business is basically about how we have cluttered our mind ourselves and made a mess of it but still complain that we are in stress and ache every day. Sadhguru very nicely makes us clear what we have actually done to make a mess of our mind. While reading the chapters, you will realize that we have ourselves sucked away the peace from our mind and added useless stuffs in it. Sadhguru is basically making a point that we have attached ourselves with so many identities today because of which we start considering ourselves with something and not with something with which we do not find ourselves attached. This leads to several opinions and therefore, we are always disturbed. In the end, Sadhguru shares with us few tips on how we can still our minds and bring it in our control rather than being in its control.
The second book, Body The Greatest Gadget, is better than the first, according to my view. I did find few things in MIYB above the thinking process of a layman because of which I found hard to understand few concepts. But in this particular book, Sadhguru have so practically explained everything that I could imagine myself doing all the suggested tips and finding myself in a better spot. This book tells you about how you can be healthy always plus how fighting illness is easy. The importance of yoga is wonderfully described in both the books. Sadhguru have also tried telling how to eat and what to eat to stay away from illness. He has supported his take without being religious but being scientific and practical.
Though I wished Sadhguru to have written this book with more examples so that a layman like me could have understood the concepts right from the core. Just like Eknath writes who's also been published by Jaico continuously. Rest, I liked the points made by Sadhguru and it's a book that I would always like to pick up whenever I would start following yoga and meditation as routine. I give this book 3.75* out of 5.
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