26 February 2017 | By: Writing Buddha

Be A Loser! Learn To Fail!

1553rd BLOG POST -->>

Who does not like winning every time they bend to run for the race? Who does not imagine themselves on the victory stand when the referee shouts “Go” and one starts running? Winning becomes a habit and then the performers do not want to see back. They want to be on the Victory stand every time they are participating for something. If they are doing something that does not belong to their profession, they want to score big and set their mark even there. I had always read biographies and autobiographies of inspirational personalities and I only took those lessons in my habits that described them winning something big. I never much concentrated upon their chapters where they described how they kept losing continuously. I found it boring.

I found it boring because in my life I have lost many a times and I didn’t have energy to appreciate losing any more. Even when I tried for something very hard and gave my 100% but someone else won and not me, I would feel frustrated and down for weeks. It happened most of the times when I was in Graduation and I felt that I am not getting the kind of due I expect because of the efforts I was putting in everything- either during exams or extra-curricular activities. I always found either a non-deserving person getting the footage or someone less-deserving than me. This made me lose my interest from college after a while and made me move towards Blogging and reading more passionately. Ultimately, my results didn’t turn out the way they could have been. Alas! Gone times do not return back in life.

But then I learnt while reading one of an inspirational books about Learning to Fail which made me realize how even those chapters in the autobiographies are equally important which described about failures. And then I started failing at things. Initially, I kept my targets low which I knew that I can achieve easily even by sleep-walking and loved seeing the longest continuous streak of my achievements. But suddenly, I started feeling that by winning such easy races, I am making myself mediocre and fooling no one else but me. I had purchased fitness band after which I completed my daily target of 12,000 steps for initial few days and then I fell ill. To keep my streak unbeaten on the App which tracks my work-out, I set the target almost as low as 20% of 12,000 steps. But after a time, when I realized that my body is feeling no changes in itself and as per my new resolution and personal commitment, I am doing actually nothing, I came to the conclusion that let’s start failing at achieving these 12,000 steps target. Only then I will understand how can these steps be completed on daily basis and achieving it will actually make me feel like a Champion. And I did that. The result is that last week, I ended up crossing 18,000 steps twice on consecutive days.

Similarly, writing 200 Blogs has been my target every year. But later on, whenever I saw by October that I am not reaching this number, I used to reduce the target to 150 Blogs. I did the same last year and ended up reaching even that. 144! Now that I know that fooling me has done nothing good to my blog lately as I stopped writing such kind of personal posts and only concentrated on reviews to achieve my yearly targets, my blog lost its charm on its regular readers. This year, I have decided not to cheat myself by trying to reduce the count of blogs to win the race or only reviewing books and movies for the count to reach the target. Now, if I will fail, I will actually come to know the reasons behind my failures. As I have accepted by previous year’s failure of reaching the count that made me realize how my readers have actually stopped following my blogs passionately as earlier because they know that they are only going to know about someone else’s work rather than my thoughts and opinions with which they connected from last 5-6 years.

We should start failing ourselves by not compromising on the quality of work and the amount of work needed to be done which will give us the real ultimate pleasure and content when we will finally achieve the goal. Being the winner always just for glorifying ourselves by showing our victory is the biggest nonsense that we can do with our lives. Let’s respect the potential we, as human being, have. Let’s utilize it to the fullest. Let’s fail again and again by not reaching up to that level. That will make us realize the negative points which are not letting us achieve the goals that we, ourselves, set when the year begun or on our birthday. Ultimately, we will start fighting to stop losing which will lead to the bigger victory than before. Crossing that final line will never let you see back to the failures and you will then become the winner till the last breathe as you would know the insights of winning the game. Be a Loser! Yes!



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