1423rd BLOG POST -->>

I find many people posting about how their mother is the best and special than others. Well, I find this quite wrong because this is less about appreciating mothers but degrading all the mothers in a race to prove how best your own mother is. This shouldn't be done. We should be careful while talking about our mother as we might hurt someone's sentiments. For everyone, his/her mother is the best but saying this in front of the world might infuriate someone who is extremely fond of his mother. He might say something ill about you or your mother in proving his relationship with his mother better than yours. Never make the love you have for your mother a competition against what others have for their. Never! Mother's day is about spreading love and not hatred. Do or write something that others should also appreciate for the feelings that you have for your mother.
I would like to hug everyone who have lost their mother because of some accident or unfortunate event. These people sulk in their loneliness when they log in to their Facebook and Twitter and find everyone sharing their pictures with their mothers. No one thinks about them on such days. For all such people, I would like to say that no matter if your mother is not with you today, she is somewhere surely watching you. You are already a part of her so she is all in your body, mind and soul. Do everything that will make your mother proud. Never think that she is not with you. Remember all the love and affection she gave you and mind you, she will not like seeing you cry on this day that is meant for her. Take a photograph of your mother and feed her with your hands the dish that she liked the most. Never leave her alone and make her feel bad by showing her that she could not be with you on this special day.
And to all the boys out here --> Every girl is either a mother or is going to be someday. When you have immense respect for your mother, understand that everyone around you also have the same feelings for their mother. Disrespecting any woman in this world is an insult and humiliation to your own mother. You are showing the world what your mother have taught you about what a mother is and how she should be treated. When you respect a girl and help her in a tough situation, your mother is the happiest person finding you doing that. But when you insult a girl or disrespect her, your mother cannot forgive herself for raising such a child. Having dirty talks with your friends sometimes is kind of okay but having this default feeling towards girls/women that they are meant for eve-teasing, harassment or sex is a crime. Just imagine if you come to know someone did or talked the same regarding your mother in her college times, how furious and wild will you turn into. Make sure no other daughter/son feels the same towards you after some years when their mother tells her sad/tragic story to her children.
With this, I would like to wish a very Happy Mother's Day to each and every girl and woman. Thanks for raising us into whatever we are. If you would not have been with us, life would have been a vacuum and full of nothingness. Respect for all of you for being such a selfless soul for us even when we have been so cruel and bad towards you many-a-times in a fit of anger and rage. I have always believed that I will consider myself a good human being only when my child will some day say that he/she loves me more than his/her mother. Haha! Period!
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