1430th BLOG POST -->>

Book is written in a sound literary language and author's good command on the language can be sensed right from the first sentence of this book until the last. I would like to talk about the translator, Purnasree Nag, who have translated this book in English from Bengali. I understand that one has a set of good vocabulary but dumping it all in a book isn't a wise decision. Every sentences has 2-3 difficult words in English which not many readers might be familiar with which could make this novel quite a tough experience. There should be a fine balance on usage of difficult and easy words in any language. Rest, I would say that from literary point of view, this book is surely going to be in the favorite list of the readers following the genre.
Initially when author discusses about how the female protagonist is getting victimized by different males is quite disheartening to read because that's a blunt reality of our life from past many years. But then how she manages to detach herself from the event though it keeps haunting her time and again is worth appreciating. The way canvas and paintings and cultures are discussed in 2nd half specifically are worth reading as the book becomes quite philosophical by then too. The climax is also beautifully narrated and in the end you feel to experience more about this multi-faceted character, Nandini. Talking about the drawbacks, I feel that the author should have taken some time whenever the character was going through a turmoil and changing herself from one state of mind to another. It all happens so suddenly sometimes that you miss the whole context and can't feel her pain or excitement. Rest, it's a fine attempt.
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