1420th BLOG POST -->>

The book is around 200-pages and can be easily completed in a sitting of 3-4 hours. The cover page is also appealing. Talking about the stories, Ira have made it clear in each of them that awareness has to be there in a child while making new friends and giving someone the authority of your life. She is asking everyone to "Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be Safe!". And I feel that the way juvenile crimes are increasing in the nation currently, this book can be a good way of letting the teens know the consequences of committing a crime in anger and later on, getting affected for lifetime because of it. This book can surely influence their minds.
Coming to the drawbacks, I would say that authoress should have added some advice from her behalf too which could have been like a personal message to the readers. They could have understood the premises more clearly. Some may end up reading this book as a crime thriller with tragic endings and nothing else. That's the only issue with this book written with a great purpose. And I hope this book brings Ira Trivedi back into the writing foray as she has been away since a long long time. I give this attempt 3 stars out of 5.
0 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
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