13 February 2020 | By: Writing Buddha

Love is an Art which has no Artist... Happy Valentine's Day!!!

1824th BLOG POST -->>

Quest! What a word, isn’t it? Love! Another word that brings sensation to anyone’s mind if one has ever fallen in true love with someone. What when both these words come together. Questing for love is such a painful journey that it makes you very lonely and each day you lose your self-respect. Valentine’s Day is known to be the day of love but I don’t think that many of us actually feel happy about this day. The people who are committed surely go out for a date whereas few have to go because of the social pressure that your partner would think you didn’t do enough for him/her. But for people who aren’t committed or dating someone are made to feel as if they are no worth living on this day.

I must say that celebrating love is completely acceptable but if you are not in relationship, just to ensure that you are also celebrating this day no matter what - is an unnecessary challenge given to people who are single. Such relationships should happen dynamically out of sudden emotions or gradual process and not done purposely. This makes people go ahead and approach someone just for the sake of Valentine’s Day. This, either if someone was not so serious till date, ends up being serious about the person he or she approached and starts ruining his/her life which was still happier with its singlehood before the proposal was made.

It is very necessary to understand that love is an art which has no artist. Sometimes after staying with someone for 10 years as just friends one starts feeling something special which was never felt in a decade. Sometimes someone you just hated all life starts seeming out to be bearable and all lovely. Sometimes you just see someone for the first time like many others but this one person becomes your eye’s candy whom you want to just keep looking at and you know you shall never be able to get rid of this habit. This is how the emotion- feeling -sensation – whatever love is- happens. Without any control of yours, the magic starts happening and you don’t have any practical answer for it to explain to others.

All of this is natural and should stay natural. And this is why feeling loved and making someone else feel loved is such a joyful, blissful, peaceful and out-of-the-world experience. If you have been with someone special, you must have experienced that even though two people are part of this process but you still feel that it’s your own journey. Why? Because all the vibrations that you feel for a person is because of the eruptions within you that happens just with a thought of the special one you are in love with. It is all being contributed from your end. Even if the other person stops loving you or say, doesn’t love you, still you feel the same. That is the power of love which is undefinable. No one knows how it is such an involuntary activity that it just happens without your choice.

You can never choose a person out of the crowd and say – He/She is whom I shall love from here on wards. It just doesn’t happen like that. If it was so easy, you could have bribed anyone in loving you back, got married with the person and stayed happily ever after. But Love causes more pain than pleasure. Most of the people only have tears or bad memories attached with it because it just happened without their control and the person for which it got generated didn’t and couldn’t feel the same about you even after your multiple attempts of ensuring that you don’t lose him/her.

Hence, the people who are lucky where the Love happened – co-incidentally, luckily, magically between the two people and if you are together – celebrate this Valentine’s Day like every other day of yours because I am sure when you are in a Love Relationship, you can’t live any day without being in 100% love. Hence, on this day, you can’t do anything different than what you usually do except gifting your partner with some materialistic thing which I believe isn’t the right way of displaying love just for the sake of it. Secondly, the people who had been waiting for proposing their friend on this particular day itself even after knowing that they also felt the same for them, Best of Luck! It is a nice way to make this Valentine’s Day memorable for yourself.

But in case, you are single and you don’t feel love for someone or you are sure that the person you love doesn’t feel the same about you, please be cautious and don’t do anything in hurry and jest. After that moment of proposal, you shall feel guilty about yourself and your immaturity for all your life which I must tell you is not a good feeling at all. You will start hating love which is the most unfortunate thing to happen with anyone. Because when you start hating this thing called Love itself, there is nothing left in you which shall make you feel ecstatic when you think about connecting with people intimately. Understand, social media is just a show-off. People are showing off their love. Displaying it as a commodity for others to judge and comment is such a cheap thing to do. But what can we say- except ensuring that we are conscious about how controlled we are from taking a wrong step this Valentine’s.

That is all I wanted to say today on the day which seems to be a great opportunity but is not always the way we pretend it to be. For the people in love, a very Happy Valentine’s Day to you..



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