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NEERJA: 3.5/5

The film is very well-directed as the director didn't try to make it an over-enthusiastic tale of heroism. He kept the narration and screenplay simple rather than adding useless self-created incidents, twists and turns. Most of the film is shot indoors which is again a challenging job for the director to make it interesting for audience to sit for 2 hours. Ram Madhvani excels in this department too. The work of cameramen and cinematographer is also commendable. The background score is also a great contribution to the beauty of the movie. The plane designed in 1980-90's style and the whole set-up also looks perfect and demands excellence from rest of the departments. And everyone invests equally to make this movie what it is.
Coming to the performances, this movie will always be remembered in the career of Sonam Kapoor as she is not been considered as an actress who can carry such a movie wholly on her shoulders. But she have proved to be flawless in this 2 hours long movie. She neither over-acts or under-acts any scene. The best is when she is shown as a victim in a marriage where her husband doesn't consider her worthy enough of anything. Another great scene is when she reads her boyfriend's letter and realizes that she may not meet him again. That's another great moment in the movie. Similarly, the actors playing her parents have also contributed greatly and many emotional moments have come across because of their flawless performances. Overall, Neerja is a very beautiful and silent movie yet speaks aggressively about the feeling of patriotism. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.
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