1332nd BLOG POST -->>
I haven't seen The Big Bang Theory for more than an episode or two because of the time constraint in my life. As I always chose a book before any kind of video, I ended up reading Kunal's book even when I have no connect with his character. That's the kind of person I am and I am very delighted to tell everyone that the way he have written his tale, anyone can pick up the book and enjoy the funny situations he have shared with us even if you are as stranger with the show as me. Haha! The language is easy and fast pacy. It makes you laugh with each sentence because the way writer have written it, he is telling that he does not deserve to be anywhere but still he lands up and make fun of himself.
The good part about the book is that it's not only funny but it becomes serious and emotional too at times when it's necessary. That's when I wanted to salute author for not letting this book look like a wanna-be or asking the reader for a forcible laugh even at the places where the jokes doesn't work. Along with making fun of his whole journey which from an Indian's point of view is quite successful, he also keeps telling where did he have to struggle more than needed and when did he feel low about himself. He have described India beautifully rather than making cheap comments on the nation like few other authors who find it a way of amusing their foreign fans.
The only drawback of the book is that the author is confused at times if he have written this book for only his Indian fans or only his overseas fans or for both of them. Sometimes he writes as if he's talking to Indians. Sometimes to the people of his migrated nation. Sometimes with all of us. That confuses us a bit about the approach with which that particular chapter is written. Also, I didn't find the whole description of each ceremony of his marriage funny even when the author have tried to create humor in it. He failed miserably only in that chapter otherwise all the chapters are wonderful if not great sometimes. I give this book 3.5 stars out of 5 and I want to read more from Kunal. GO FOR IT!!!
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