1287th BLOG POST -->>

Since April, we were desperately waiting for MCA to end. Every new morning brought new tension and a day less in countdown for final presentation. For the first time in my life in last 6 years did I fear a new day. It became less of exploration or adventure but more of survival. I always knew that the day my Final Presentation would get over with any kind of performance given by me, the next morning would feel as if 50 kgs of weight has been put off my shoulders just as Sachin felt after scoring his 100th 100. And it happened exactly. On the 3rd July when I woke up, the new sun made me feel as if I am finally independent of everything in life. Though I knew that life never ends at any stage and I still have to fetch a job but still a relaxation and relief have conquered my mind and soul since then.
I was so stressed for all these weeks that I went for full body massage for the first time in life on the very next day after waking up in the morning. Sometimes when you are scared of big moments, God makes it easy for you if you have really tried to put efforts to face it. For my project presentation, the external examiner came from my previous college where I completed my Graduation. She recognized me immediately and asked how am I. And even when our project wasn't anything great, she didn't ask much questions about it. She only caught us for diagrams that we made in our Project book but that interrogation went for not less than 6-7 minutes. In all, it was an average performance by us and we were totally satisfied with it.
The next day I came to know that I am been allotted some other external examiner for presenting my research paper. The previous day, I was the 4th candidate to present my project but for research paper, I was dragged down to No. 17th. I was trying to drag myself up so that I can get free as soon as possible. But I couldn't. Luckily, the examiner was in hurry by the end and took the presentation for not more than 5 minutes and even that went fine whereas the students who entered in the morning had to face rudeness for 45 minutes. In such cases, the belief that GOD exists becomes more stronger.
As I have faced 25 theoretical exams, 14 lab exams, 10 Vivas, 3 mini-projects and one major project and a Research Paper, I can clearly ask everyone to go for something like MCA only when you are fully committed to study and not get distracted by small things like TV, sports, restaurants, malls, hang-outs, friendships etc. For these 3 years, you will need to be at your toes because you never know when a subject might get introduced in your syllabus which will be hard to understand and extra time would be needed to devote yourself into that.
Every computer language that you might have heard about or read on banners (e.g. C++, Data structures, PHP, HTML, CSS, Core Java, Advanced Java, Android, C#, ASP.NET, Software Testing, Networking, SQL, PL/SQL, VB etc) are included in the syllabus of MCA. And I tell you if you do not have the kind of logic-building in your IQ and aptitude skills, don't go for MCA. This is just a warning otherwise the way I got admitted and even completed the same without any subject back with grade of more than 7.00, anyone can. :-)
I would like to thank Sharon at the first, my senior in BCA and even MCA, to guide me while admission process was going on. Vandana for staying with me throughout MCA in every ups and downs. My circle- Rahul, Kewal, Tambe, Aniket, Bharat, Rasika for being reasons of continuous laughter that we had in lunch breaks and after lectures. Special thanks to Rahul for teaching me Probability and Statistics, the subject that many fail to pass and thus leave MCA in between. Thanks to all my classmates and juniors who always looked up at me whenever they wanted someone to anchor an event. They have turned me into a confident person. I would also like to thank our previous director, Dr. Henry babu, to inspire us whenever we met him. He was a great personality whom I'll always miss. And special consideration to Vaidya sir of Jyoti classes for teaching me 2 mathematical subjects which weren't possible for me to pass. He is a God-sent messenger for MCA students weak in mathematics. Haha!
Mrunali mam, our class teacher for the final year, gave me several opportunities which made my journey of MCA little more pleasing than others. She also elected me as Class Representative in final year. Special thanks to Sagar sir for approving our project very easily and not over-reacting for little mistakes we made unlike few other guides. Thanks to few other teachers too who believed in me- Megha mam, Deepali mam and Mayur sir. Renu mam, our librarian, always did partiality and gave me books for little more days than others which helped me a lot for making notes before exams. Rest, there are few people for whom I have immense respect. Fatima is the ultimate scholar I have ever seen in my life. The way she carried herself with perfection, dedication and knowledge, I wish I could become like her someday in any field that I chose in life. Digender and Aniket Tambe for always trying to help classmates with the materials and notes they had through our Facebook group. I also see Mrunali mam with respect the way she did her job of class teacher perfectly and sent us the details before time.
My special thanks goes to Mission MCA team who provided great notes which helped us to prepare for examinations easily without referring multiple books for each subject. I would also like to acknowledge the children from different colleges whom I met through my venture of Last Minute Study. They also helped me immensely by informing me about things even before my college announced the same. :-) In the end, I would like to thank my mother who has been the real inspiration and pillar because of whom many things have been possible in the journey of MCA not only for me but I think, for few of my friends too (only if they acknowledge her). Whenever I asked her for night-study at home with my friends even for 15 continuous days, she always nodded positively. She woke up for whole night along with us and made sure that my friends and I got tea and snacks at appropriate intervals. She has been like GOD for me. And lastly, thanks to my father for investing in my Post Graduation and making it possible for me. Otherwise, all would have been just a dream.
Thanks to all my readers for continuously sending me emails and messages whenever they got to know about the problems I faced during my journey of MCA.
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