1115th BLOG POST -->>
The writing style of the author is amazing and with each page, he ensures that you learn something about how to look at life. He has used very simple English to ensure that his readers get connected with his message otherwise the purpose for writing this book would have gone unidentified. He gives proper examples, fictitious stories and imaginary situations to make you understand the concept that he's preaching through this ambitious book. As I'm a great Robin Sharma fan, I felt as if author was also inspired by him while writing this book. It looks as if the book is wanna-be version of Robin's books.
The 7 tunes of success, according to Nishit Lal's theory, are Passion, Purpose, Productivity, Perception, Possibilities, Practice and Potential. The great thing is that author has not spent the whole chapter in explaining the meaning and intensity of this word, rather, he has spoken about different topics that were related to these tunes. Author hasn't dragged one topic much and made things short to keep the readers interested. I did find few explanations silly but except it, I didn't feel that the book lacked anything. There were some editing mistakes too. May be Jaico will have to work on its 2nd edition properly. I give this book- 3.75/5. You can surely read it as its motivating, inspiring and gives you a wake-up call.

The 7 tunes of success, according to Nishit Lal's theory, are Passion, Purpose, Productivity, Perception, Possibilities, Practice and Potential. The great thing is that author has not spent the whole chapter in explaining the meaning and intensity of this word, rather, he has spoken about different topics that were related to these tunes. Author hasn't dragged one topic much and made things short to keep the readers interested. I did find few explanations silly but except it, I didn't feel that the book lacked anything. There were some editing mistakes too. May be Jaico will have to work on its 2nd edition properly. I give this book- 3.75/5. You can surely read it as its motivating, inspiring and gives you a wake-up call.

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